Mini Split AC Unit - Blogs & Forums On Air Conditioner And Heater

Blog Title: difference between air coolers and air conditioners

Main Que: Is there any difference between Air Cooler & Air Conditioner?

  • Category:
  • Query By: COURTNEY ERICKSON (Moscow, IN)
  • Date: 11/16/2014

Answer: Yes Definately. Air coolers do not have AC compressors, so there is no way for them to blow cold air. Which is why you have to add ice water or ice cubes or ice packs in the in built water tank of an air cooler. Using this cold energy source it is able to blow cool air into the room. It creates humididty, which is very good for dry summer season. They are very POPULAR for dry and hot weather. Air coolers do not have dehumidifiers but AC does. Air coolers do not cool the entire room but AC does.

  • Replied By: ELLEN MUNOZ (David City, CA)
  • Replied Date: 11/16/2014